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All books within the Adventures of Hot Rod Todd series are 8.5" x 11" perfect bound paperbacks featuring full page color illustrations with text that parents can read to their youngsters or, if at reading age or learning to read, youngsters can read and enjoy themselves.

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'Hot Rod Todd Rescue Mum & Dad', the much anticipated 3rd book in the Adventures of Hot Rod Todd children's illustrated series of picture books is now available.




Yes, by popular request the packs Mum Empress Maya and Dad Damien Czar are the focal point of the story playing a huge part in the story and, mmmmm, along with everyones favorite, Captain Chinook, we have a couple more guest appearances but you'll have to buy the book when it's published in September to find out just who they are. You will not be disappointed.

Like the previous books, pictured left, 'Hot Rod Todd Rescue Mum and Dad' is beautifully illustrated by Cameo Anderson and full of adventures with the six Siberian Husky puppies involved in a rescue mission that see's them heading off into the Alaskan Wilderness.

As always, there are adventures, twists and turns, drama, tension and surprises in the form of new found friends revealing a a really strong message with a happy ending not to mention equally strong educational and family values that you can engage with and enjoy time and time again.


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